To those that watched. That called. That gave. That shared. YOU GOT RESULTS!

We are humbled by the generosity of this community and the loyal viewers of WKMG News 6. Together, we got results at our Back-to-School Drive Telethon for local teachers and students during a time when education is more critical than ever.

Gifts received through the Telethon were doubled, up to $25,000 thanks to generous matching funders, to provide more than $700,000 worth of supplies!

These essential learning tools will help local teachers ensure all their students have the supplies they need to start the school year with success.

Missed out on the action? Check out some of the interviews!

But there is still more work to be done.

Our Free Teacher Supply Store is open during the entire school year and distributes an average of $66,700 worth of supplies a day.

Make a donation today to raise additional essential school supplies needed to empower teachers and inspire future leaders.

A Gift For Teaching serves public school teachers in Orange and Osceola counties.
Other counties may be supported by reaching out to their respective school board foundation.